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 Boss Babe Financial Coaching

Boss Babe Financial Coaching

SKU: 364215376135191

Let's face it being an entrepreneur doesn't come with a handbook, especially when it comes to money management. What are your money goals? Is it leaving your 9-5 and taking your side hustle to a full-time business? Or do you need help analyzing your revenue and expenses to find opportunities to increase your profitability? I've been there, lady! I love helping women entrepreneurs realize their money and live a life of financial ease. Working with a money coach is like working with a physical trainer, but specifically helping you train to get more in shape with your bag! You'll receive a personalized money plan based on your own needs and money blueprint. You'll receive 1:1 time with a certified financial educator and money coach who is

invested in your financial wellness.


    1:1 Coaching Session

    We will meet once per month virtually to discuss and implement an interactive coaching plan to reach your money goals. During these sessions, we not only tap into your money goals, we'll deep dive into any possible blockages that may have hindered growth in your earning potential. Whether it's budgeting, debt elimination, or wealth mindset coaching I've got you covered! This is a 3 mo th commitment.


    Coaching sessions are not refundable. You may reschedule your session with a 24 hour notification.

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